The World's Perfect Strap for Yoga and Stretching

No Buckle, No Fuss. A Truly Revolutionary, Patented Design!

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  • Sattva Bundle - 1 Yoga Mat and 2 Infinity Straps

Sattva Bundle - 1 Yoga Mat and 2 Infinity Straps

Salambhasana - Locust Pose.jpg
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge Pose.jpg
Urdhva Dhanurasana - Wheel Pose.jpg

Sattva Bundle - 1 Yoga Mat and 2 Infinity Straps



2 Infinity Straps - See Size Chart for sizing information

1 Cork/Natural Rubber Jim Isermann Limited Edition Mat

Once you ADD TO CART, you will be able to specify the color and type of Infinity Straps, and Yoga Mat

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2 Infinity Straps - See Size Chart for sizing information

1 Cork/Natural Rubber Jim Isermann Limited Edition Mat

Once you ADD TO CART, you will be able to specify the color and type of Infinity Straps, and Yoga Mat